Editorial Guidelines
- The article should contain at least 1200+ words
- You need to add at least 1 featured image. It should be a royalty-free photo.
- Use correct subheadings and short sentences.
- Use bullets and tables when necessary.
- The article should be 100% unique, plagiarism-free, and written by a real human. No spun content is accepted. The article should be unique for SoundproofPeace.com and not posted on any other website before/after publishing on SoundproofPeace.com
You can publish on your blog with a link to SoundproofPeace.com 1 month after posting on SoundproofPeace.com - Yoast SEO validation should be green.
- No bluff content to reach the word count. The article should inform the user and bring real value.
- It should contain references to trusted sites. Any stats/data should contain the link to the source.
- The article must be informative and not FULL advertising. Only a small part of the article can contain advertisement content.
How to submit?
Send me an email with your content ideas at gsuciu6 [*at*] gmail [*dot*] com AND web [*at*] soundproofpeace[*dot*] com
Also, you can submit this form: